Anesthésie intra-osseuse avec Quicksleeper 5
Maîtriser le positionnement avec le Quicksleeper 5 et réaliser une anesthésie indolore et immédiate avec le Dr Stephane Diaz

Le Dr Diaz est praticien dentaire depuis 1983, spécialisé en endodontie depuis 1988. Sa pratique a depuis évolué pour inclure les implants et les prothèses fixes.
Le Dr Diaz a été un membre actif de diverses organisations de chirurgiens dentistes, dont le créateur et le directeur de la publication de The Dental Surgeon's Review.
Le Dr Diaz forme des chirurgiens-dentistes en endodontie depuis 2015 et est chirurgien-dentiste référent et formateur pour la DHT Academy.
Hands-On Endodontics Course for dentists with QuickSleeper Training by Dr. Danesh Farzad.

Finally a Hands-On Endodontics Course for dentists that is practical and helpful. During this course you will receive QuickSleeper Training.
The field of Endodontics develops fast making endodontic treatment easier, faster, and efficient. With sufficient training and practice a general dentist can handle easy and moderate cases.
PPE aims to teach dentists PURE PRACTICAL ENDODONTICS (rotary and reciprocating, effective irrigation, ultrasonics, electronic apex locator, and 3-D obturation), allowing the dentist to reduce procedural accidents and achieve better treatment results.
Pure Practical Endodontics has been designed for dentists of all levels of experience. Limited just to seven dentists in each course makes the training personalized.
The QuickSleeper Training is practical and hands-on on models. You will not need your own QuickSleeper, we will provide you with a device to practice on.
Register for your training now.
In conclusion, here is a summary for the course:
THURSDAY EVENING LECTURES (5PM -9 PM): Access cavity, Ultrasonics, electronic apex locator, shaping and cleaning, irrigation, and obturation.
Then on Sunday: Full one-day pure practical mentorship on extracted teeth until you feel confident.
SATURDAY: One-time 4 hours’ mentorship at your office.
Also you are performing an endodontic treatment on a real patient of your choice (date should be reserved).
WEEKDAYS: 2 patients’ shadowing on real treatments at our office (date should be reserved).
Access to educational videos.
Complimentary one hour attendance with the next course to practice on weak areas.