Quicksleeper Videos
Quicksleeper Videos

What is the Quicksleeper, and how does it work?

Quick Chat with Endodontist Dr. Gary Glassman - Quicksleeper5 Intraosseous Anesthesia

Interview with Intraosseous Anesthesia Expert Dr. Johan Aps - Quicksleeper5

Quicksleeper 5 Electronic Intraosseous anesthesia - Testimonial from Dr. Jackie Lopez
Get the QuickSleeper for Painless Dentistry. Deliver Instant, Painless and Effective Local Aneasthesia. The only system in the world. Painless Dental Injections For All.
Painless dentistry without any compromise. This is the QuickSleeper promise. Truly painless dental injections. Your search for the best painless dental injection technique is over.
The QuickSleeper Intraosseous Anaesthesia Delivery System gives you Shorter appointments with instant (Immediate Onset), profound and effective anaesthesia of single or multiple teeth with just a single injection.
Dentists are certain about the success and effectiveness of their LA when they use the QuickSleeper technique.
With its rotating needle it crosses the cortical bone without effort or pain to inject directly into the spongy bone immediately adjacent to the root apices.
It is easy to learn and master. simple, painless and the benefits can be observed immediately.

Maximum efficiency on mandibular molars
The anesthesia is immediate, without failure even for lower molars with irreversible pulpitis (hot tooth ache).
More comfort for your patients, more marketing for your clinic and the word of mouth spreads fast when dentists use the QuickSleeper system,
Anesthesia delivery is painless and without collateral numbness to the face, tongue, or lips.
shorter appointments because the QuickSleeper is an instant immediate onset local aneasthetic system
Achieve gauranteed pulpal aneasthesia without guesses, misses, or any failures.
More comfort for you
Work stress-free, without muscular effort, without twisting needles or injection leaks. Just one injection anesthetizes up to 6 teeth.
Adapted to children
Perform painless anesthesias with no risk of lip-biting.
More profitable
No waiting for LA to kick in.
No LA failures, garaunteed pulpal aneasthesia.
Reduced the amount of aneathetic used.
Reduce the number of appointments.

An electronically controlled injection for maximum comfort.
3 injection modes (Slow, Fast, Intraosseous) to perform all types of anesthesia in the best conditions.
The rotation of the needle enables easy penetration of the cortical plate to simply and quickly access osteocentral anesthesia and all of its advantages.
The handpiece is manipulated like a pen to perfectly master needle movement. The controls are operated through a wireless, batteryless, foot pedal for maximum precision and control.
DHT Needles with their specific patented bevel ensure painless ​anesthesia of the attached gum and easy cortical perforation.

QuickSleeper is a game changer, new state of the art technology.
Completely replaces syringe based LA delivery
Your anesthesia works the first time, you use less needles, less anesthetic carpules, you save time with shorter appointments and limit the number of appointments.
QuickSleeper is a major asset in the
success and profitability of your practice.
Dr. Jackie Lopez describes her experience after years of using the Quicksleeper
Other Testimonials

"The Quicksleeper has completely changed the way I think about anesthesia, and patients all wonder if I really froze them because they did not feel anything, plus it's a great marketing tool because no one likes to be anesthetized!" (Translated from French)
Dr. Rachel Carrier is a Quicksleeper user since 2016 for 100% of her anesthesia cases.
Dr. Rachel Carrier
Laprairie, QC

"This tool is a life changer! I like to call it my 'Magic wand.' I believe every dentist should have it in the office. Kids love it and it doesn’t look like a syringe which decreases patient anxiety. It works instantly, even for a 'hot tooth', and multiple restorations all in one appointment."
Dr. Dana Marcarian is a Quicksleeper user since February 2018.
Dr. Dana Marcarian
Waterdown, ON

"I have been using the Quicksleeper for 8 months and I use it exclusively for all my dental procedures. I love the reaction I get from patients as they are surprised not to feel anything during the delivery of the local anesthetic. I also obviously love the Quicksleeper as I get anesthesia predictably 100% of the time."
Dr. Jaideep Lal is a Quicksleeper user since March 2018.
Dr. Jaideep Lal
Orleans, ON

"It changes the visit of the patient but it also changes the life of the dentist. It's so much more comfortable and functional for everyone.
Noo waiting for the patient and the dentist
Fewer visits because you anesthesia and you start
The patient is ready to return to work immediately without the feeling of being anesthetized"
(Translated from French)