Perform all your anesthesia painlessly and effectively in 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Mucosa Anesthesia
Chose the right needle according to the perforation you wish to perform in step 2. Make sure the "D" indicator on the needle is correctly place in the container's window. Place the needle gently in the optimal position to the soft tissue before injecting. Once the tissue has blanched, you have successfully anesthetized the periosteum. When done like our hands-on training this step is 100% painless.
Step 2: Perforation of the cortex
Use a pen grip as close as possible to the needle and efficient support points for perfect control and maximum precision during the perforation. Aim for the apex in the interdental space. Stop rotating when the needle has entered the bone at 3/4 of its length. When done like our hands-on training this step is 100% painless.
Step 3: Intraosseous injection
Always keep the needle in the same angled position. After injection, remove needle without using rotation. You can immediately begin working as the patient is anesthetized without delay. When done like our hands-on training this step is 100% painless.

We provide all of our dentists full hands-on training, click here to register for training near you:

A bevel that incises
DHT Needles have an exclusive patented bevel with a cutting power similar to a scalpel blade.
Thanks to their specific scalpel bevel, tissues are no longer torn but incised.
Intraligamentary and intraseptal anesthesias are faster and more efficient
A pain-free "D" indicator
The specific indicator on the hub makes it possible to correctly position the bevel for a minimum depth of penetration, especially for attached mucosa, infiltration and palatal techniques.
Your anesthesias become painless!

Osteocentral anesthesia is characterized by an injection in the center of the spongy bone, near the apex.
It enables to anesthetize immediately, and without collateral numbness, up to 3 molars with a single injection.
Many articles confirm that the osteocentral technique has superior efficiency than nerve block.
It also has several advantages:
No collateral numbness
The effect is immediate
It is 100% efficient even on molars with pulpitis
It enables to work by sector.
The quantity injected determines the number of teeth anesthetized, the duration (1-hour max) and the power of anesthesia.
Performed with QuickSleeper, this technique is very simple, painless and the benefits can be observed immediately. Forget the anesthesia that does not work, the patient returning home without being treated!
Organize your days without the stress of the anesthesia of mandibular molars!

With its rotating needle QuickSleeper can cross the cortical bone without effort or pain to inject directly intothe spongy bone. Therefore, edentulous areas, deemed difficult to anesthetize become extremely easy and simple cases to achieve.
Your edentulous sector anesthesia is always successful, pain free, with no waiting or numbness !

Osteocentral anesthesia can be performed on children with QuickSleeper. We use a shorter DHT needle but the benefits are the same as for adults: efficiency, immediacy, and absence of pain.
With the pen grip and the DHT needle, in most cases, it is not necessary to put the needle into rotation to penetrate into the spongy bone. Your anesthesia is silent.
The absence of numbness is an added advantage that removes the risk of self-biting. You let your young patients leave safely.
The psychological approach with a "pen" instead of a syringe is a real asset for young patients.
For all these reasons, a number of pediatric dentistry services have adopted QuickSleeper for their daily practice.

With its injection near the apex, osteocentral anesthesia has decisive advantages to develop the treatment of several sectors:
The absence of failure,
Immediate anesthesia,
Absence of numbness,
The absence of complementary palatal or lingual injections even for an extraction,
Absence of pain.
Using QuickSleeper daily can significantly improve the profitability of your practice.
You eliminate loss of time related to anesthesia failures or to the lag time of infiltrations or nerve blocks.
You reduce the number of appointments and related costs (technical costs, installation time ...).
You increase the number of invoiced acts per appointment.
You organize your schedule simply without having to manage the prolonged numbness of your patients and their return to work.
With QuickSleeper, anesthesia becomes an asset to improve the organization of your dental practice.

Osteocentral anesthesia with QuickSleeper favourably replaces infiltration for the upper jaw.
The injection at the center of the bone eliminates the lag time and enables to work on a larger area. It also eliminates the complementary palatal injection, usually painful for the patient.
The absence of numbness offers greater comfort to the patient and allows the practitioner to consider treatment on several areas in the same appointment.
QuickSleeper brings benefits for all your anesthesias, including the upper jaw!

With its rotating needle, QuickSleeper enables to inject in the spongy bone between the two central teeth.
Your anesthesia is successful! The anesthetic diffuse distally to anesthetize immediately and without numbness up to 6 teeth.
Osteocentral anesthesia with QuickSleeper is the ideal technique to practice a comfortable deep scaling for your patient or perform several treatments on anterior sectors.
With QuickSleeper, get more pleasure out of your daily practice!

With QuickSleeper you perfectly control the concentration and amount of anesthetic deposited in the spongy bone. By injecting, for example, one 1/100 000 adrenaline cartridge*, near the apex of a tooth with pulpitis, you ensure an immediate and safe anesthesia.
Osteocentral anesthesia favorably replaces nerve block anesthesia. It also permanently replaces the use of intraligamentary followed by intrapulpal, removing also the pain suffered by the patient.
Osteocentral anesthesia with QuickSleeper brings true serenity in the management of the practice. No unbilled appointments, stressless emergency management, an enhanced brand image.
* This information is given for information purpose and should be adapted to the patient under the sole responsibility of the practitioner.